207 Open Daily games
1 Open Realtime game

Rating distribution for molaar


Sat 15th Aug 17:53
Road Warrior rated  Good
Same play-concept as Fallout. This board's smaller scope and less sense of a storyline made it not as fun. But this is very good taken on its own.
#7 of 7
Sat 15th Aug 17:43
Iwo Jima rated  Great
Great board. Really captures the sense of attrition of the battle, the way so many Marines had to die climbing that hill.
#6 of 7
Tue 4th Aug 13:10
Battle of Waterloo rated  Great
Man, playing berickf on this board sure was aggravating! ;) I feel like I was one of the "near same skill level players" he's referring to below. When both players are ultra-conscious of the other's precise distance to victory and know the board, I felt like a total stalemate can be reached. I actually felt fatigued at one point and made a conscious decision to stop thinking as much, stop paying as close attention and making faster more reckless moves. I lost, naturally, because it grated on my patience. But I'm not sure if that qualifies as bad design. It is a great design for war that makes supply chain and terrain greatly exaggerated strategic factors to consider. And on the other hand, when I played several players who weren't quite as careful, it felt really cathartic to seize that victory...
#5 of 7
Thu 9th Apr 22:33
Antastic! rated  Great
Didn't enjoy playing this board but I don't think that's any fault of the design. Just personal preference to the type of game.
#4 of 7
Thu 9th Apr 22:28
Renaissance Wars rated  Great
Great board.
#3 of 7
Fri 1st Aug 15:27
Cute and straight-forward.
#2 of 7
Mon 25th Nov 17:50
War Of The Roses rated  Great
Unique, fun and well-conceived. Unpredictable too. I would give the crown more units though to make the ground warfare last a bit longer.
#1 of 7